Friday, June 10, 2011


So I gained! I did really good this week too. Up 1.4 this is just so ridiculous! I know at this time of the month it is normal to go up but I really thought I would see some kind of loss... The meeting was about tracking and stuff and I am thinking perhaps I will start to track in the book again instead of using etools. Maybe that will help me see things differently or something, and be more accountable. It used to be easier to track with paper and pen on the old program. But now since points plus has no slider it is more difficult and I don't want to carry around that bulky calculator all the time. But I shall do it anyway! I really want to see a loss next Friday and I will do everything possible to see that happen. I used to exercise 3 times a day and I am going to do that again starting right now!

Okay now... hehe


  1. They have the calculator for android phones you can download right off ww site. Hope this helps also are you using WPA or AP's if so I have come to find out this keeps me from losing what I want or losing at all. Dont beat your self up though its tough some weeks. Let me know if you need anything and i hope this helped some. Good luck this week Im sure you will be fine though.

  2. Thanks for the link, reminded me I have it on my ipod thanks! I am actually doing really good today and did a lot of exercising already. I don't use my activity points but I do use some of the weekly so I am trying not to this week. Thanks for the support and if you need anything let me know too.
